Date(s) - 2024/10/07
13:00 EDT - 17:00 EDT

This event is for Shadowrun 6th World Edition

SRM 2083-03 | Unofficial Dunkelzahn Fan Club

Description: Runners are tasked to investigate mysterious events at an upscale school.

This event requires Shadowrun 6th World Edition Missions Seattle or New Orleans Story Arc character. For rules on creating one please see the SRM 6th World Edition FAQ. Pre-generated character’s are also available so please feel free to contact the GM before the run for help in picking the type of character you want to play.

For those of you who sign up I just want to make sure that you know that we will be meeting on the Shadowrun Missions Online Discord server ( ) for the game. I recommend that you join the Discord server a short time beforehand (15-20 min), so we can work out any problems if they arise and answer any questions. I will be online and ready to go a bit before the game is scheduled to start, and I will be in voice chat 30 min before scheduled start time. The Roll20 Table link will be handed out approx 15 min before scheduled start time. If you have any questions before the game, My Discord handle is Steel_atlas. Please feel free to message me anytime. Thanks! I hope to see you there!



  • KSpri
  • archer-1
  • Hellen "Helz" Tomazin
  • JAGator
  • Dreamwalker

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Bookings are closed for this event.